英语单词分类 轻松记单词

kick off

英 [kik ɔf]

美 [kɪk ɔf]

开始; 开球;踢掉;(机器等)停止运转;离开,出发
  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释


1. commence officially

Synonym: inaugurate

1. (在足球比赛中)开球
In football, when the players kick off, they start a game by kicking the ball from the centre of the pitch.

e.g. Liverpool kicked off an hour ago.

2. (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始
If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins.

e.g. The shows kick off on October 24th...
e.g. The Mayor kicked off the party...

3. 踢掉(鞋)
If you kick off your shoes, you shake your feet so that your shoes come off.

kick off

e.g. She stretched out on the sofa and kicked off her shoes.

4. 强使离开;赶走
To kick someone off an area of land means to force them to leave it.

kick off

e.g. We can't kick them off the island.

To kick off your program, first build the JAR file.(要启动程序,首先构建JAR文件。)
But it is Venezuela that will kick off the big commemorations.(然而,委内瑞拉将首先举办大型纪念活动。)
The waiting is over. The World Cup is about to kick off.(漫长的等待终于结束了,南非世界杯即将鸣锣开战。)
It's set when you kick off the application.(当您启动这个应用程序时,它就已经设置好了。)
You can use the BPC explorer to kick off any business processes in those applications.(您可以使用BPC浏览器启动那些应用程序中的任何业务流程。)
The command to kick off Listing 1 is make or gmake.(使用清单1的命令是make或者gmake。)
We will kick off the no-smoking drive。(我们将要发动戒烟运动。)
They are going to kick off the football game tomorrow。(他们明天正式开始足球赛。)
It's getting late, I must kick off now.(天很晚了,我现在必须走了。)
Kick off your social strategy with a well-defined, compelling blog.(通过一个准确定义的、有吸引力的博客为你的社会媒体策略拉开帷幕。)
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